Saturday, December 19, 2015

RinRinDoll x Gasaxxxy Japan Collab!

Hello darlings!

Fan Fest and Kikori Con writeups are coming soon, I swear. xD

My day job is super busy right now due to the holiday rush, and then the Candy Graffiti holiday rush!

I do want to take a moment and thank everyone who came out to see us at Fan Fest! Didn't get very many cosplay photos(two, in fact :P), but it was a blast, and I met awesome people, got to attend Denise Crosby's panel (squeeeee!) and I learned a ton! 

On to the subject for today...

RinRin Doll did a collaboration with Galaxxxy Japan

It's called NEO LOLITA and it's her first collection, and I LOVE IT! It's a small collection, and they've described it as 'casual street lolita.' 

Always a fan of contrasts, my favorite thing about the collection is the black/pink/lavender color scheme. 

There are four items in the collection: Two sweatshirts, a dress, and some buttons. 

Small, yes, but it's a good start and I can't wait to see what she does next!

Tokyo Fashion covered the photo shoot:

Galaxxxy has the collection on sale here.

As always...stay fabulous! <3

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Halloween 2015, Part II!

There's still time to get your Halloween orders in if you live in the continental US!

If you order by Monday and choose our Priority shipping upgrade you can still get your order by Halloween! 

Here's part two of our collection for the year! 

$19.99 USD. Features vintage rhinestones. Only one in stock! Etsy listing here.

Necklace with resin flatback and vintage rhinestones! Only one in stock! $19.99 USD plus shipping. Etsy listing here

Star rings crafted from resin hand-poured by The Mint Beadery! $5.99 USD.Only one of each in stock! The ghost sprinkles ring(far right) is sold out. Etsy listing here.

Resin Ghost Sprinkle bear hand-poured by The Mint Beadery! We made it into a necklace. :3 Only one in stock! $12.99 USD. Etsy listing here.

Only 3 in stock! $4.99 USD. Ring is adjustable to fit most sizes. Etsy listing here.

Laser cut bat adjustable rings. Both colors in stock! $2.49 USD. Etsy listing here.

These skulls can be customized to make a ring or a necklace! Skulls feature vintage rhinestones. The pink one in the front row is sold out. $14.99 USD. Etsy listing here

Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Possessed by Drew Disaster

Hello darlings!

More makeup tutorials are on the way, as is the second half of the Halloween collection. Work is eating up all my spare time right now...o.O

Today's tutorial is by Drew Disaster.

I LOVE this tutorial! A lot of the techniques used in it can be applied to Visual Kei as well, and I like that she uses lower-priced makeup and tells you where to find it, for those of us who can't afford a M.A.C. pallette. ;3

She's going to be posting a lot more videos so don't forget to subscribe to her page! She does a lot of DIY and cosplay videos as well. 

Back to prepping for Kikori con. As always...stay fabulous!


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Halloween 2015

Our Halloween 2015 collection is out! 

It's been out for about a week now but I got slammed at my day job so this post is late, I apologize. *bows* 

Anywho, here's the first round of this year's collection! Second round to follow soon. :3

Lady Skeleton Cameo Necklace w/Vintage Rhinestone. $12.99 USD. 2 in stock. Etsy listing here

Lady Skeleton Cameo Earrings w/Vintage Rhinestones. $17.99. Only one pair in stock! Etsy listing here.

Black Glitter Bat Adjustable Ring. $2.99 USD. 4 in stock. Etsy listing here

Glitter eyeball heart necklace. $12.99 USD. Only one in stock! Etsy listing here.

Sparkle bat heart necklace. $10.99 USD. 2 in stock. Etsy listing here.

Glitter tombstone necklace. $12.99 USD. Only one in stock! Etsy listing here.

Round two up tomorrow! As always...stay fabulous! <3

Friday, October 16, 2015

Gothic Lolita Outfit and Tutorial

Hello darlings!
Kawaii Pateen has been posting tons of awesome tutorials as of late, and with Kikori Con fast approaching I wanted to share what I found with you guys to give you ideas for your cosplays and Jfashion outfits! 

This one was uploaded yesterday, and is a kawaii Gothic Lolita tutorial by Japanese model MOCO. I LOVE this look. It's a great look if you want to go a bit cuter with your look and not quite so edgy. :3 This video is in Japanese, with English subtitles. As with all of their videos, the tutorial is super details and very easy to follow. Before the tutorial MOCO also shows us the outfit she chose and where she got the pieces. 

As always, let us know if you try this tutorial and send pics/video for us to feature!

Other non-tutorial stuff coming soon, I swear. xD 

Stay fabulous and fierce! 


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Porcelain/Broken/Possessed Doll

So Alexa Poletti posted an AWESOME tutorial this last weekend for doll makeup, and I knew I had to post it here, because this would work SO amazingly well with lolita and visual kei outfits! She starts with a basic porcelain doll, then adds cracks, and then finishes with the possessed doll. All three are super detailed, she explains what makeup she uses and why, right down to wig and costume. :3 

As always, if you use any of these tutorials, let us know if you use them in the comments and tell us how they turn out! 


Sunday, October 11, 2015

News and Sunday Makeup Tutorial: Japanese Courtesan

Hello darlings!

It's Sunday, and a quiet day for most. :3 Gearing up for the workweek and continuing prep for Kikori con and...Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest!

I am super excited! I didn't think I'd get into Comicon so quickly. I was on the waitlist, and the estimate was that I'd get in sometime in 2017. So, I'm working on a ton of geeky things for the con, and I will be updating the blog as details happen! 

Today's makeup tutorial is an Oiran, or Japanese Courtesan look. I LOVE this look, it's beautiful! This video is from Kawaii Pateen, and is in Japanese, but with English subtitles. 

What did you think? 
As always, if you try this tutorial let us know! Email us at with photos or links to videos if you post one, so that we can feature it on the blog! 

As always...stay fabulous!


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Halloween Creepy Butler Makeup Tutorial!

Hello darlings!

Halloween is coming! I'm super excited!!! This is my absolute favorite holiday of the year! It is said that during this time of year the veil between the living and the deceased wanes to its thinnest point, and in some traditions offerings of food and drink are left out for visiting loved ones who have departed the physical world. 

I also enjoy any excuse to pull out a cosplay. :3

I thought this would be a great time to start posting makeup tutorials again, so today I'm posting a creepy butler makuep tutorial by Kawaii Pateen!

This video is in English, so it is easier to follow along! :3 

As always, if you try this tutorial, post in the comments how it went, and if you have pics and video send them to us( so we can feature it on the blog! 

(Pssst...we're still looking for models for Kikori Con too, so if you're interested read the entry here and send us an email! :3 )

As always...stay fabulous! 


Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekly Favorites: 8/31/15

Goooood morning! 

...just kidding, it's Monday. By the time this blog entry posts I will be halfway through my workday. But I digress...xD

Since it's Monday and for most people Mondays generally suck, here's some of my favorites from other awesome and talented artisans to get you through the day! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Call for Models!

Hello darlings!

Again, it's been awhile. Summer was...well, let's not go there. xD Anywho, work promotion means better hours and I'll finally have more time to work on this poor blog. Now let's get to the good stuff!

I snagged an artist alley table at Kikori Con and am participating in the JFashion show which means...I need models!

Kikori Con is in Flagstaff, Arizona. It will be held at the Little America Hotel. Here are the details and requirments...

  • Must be 18 or older to participate.
  • No modeling experience needed! I can teach you how to walk if need be. However, if you do have modeling or cosplay photos or a portfolio I'd love to see your work! 
  • Please have reliable transportation to and from the con. You will also need to be available for two fittings. These can be scheduled at your convenience. :) 
  • Kikori Con runs from November 6th to 8th. The fashion show is usually on Saturday night(which would be the 7th) at around 7pm. You will need to show up at LEAST two hours before the show starts(5pm, tentatively) for hair, makeup, and final tweaks. 
  • PLEASE conduct yourself in a professional and classy manner! Leave all drama at the door. We don't do that here. 
  • Depending on whether or not I have an assistant you may need to do your own hair and/or makeup. I will bring brushes, cleaner, and eyeshadow pallets, but you will need to bring your own base, foundation, mascara, eyeliner, and lip color. 
If you live in or around the area and would like to participate please shoot an email to! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Convention Survival: Panel Etiquette

Hello darlings! 

I thought I had finished with my Convention Survival series, but I went to Comicon this weekend and realized I'd missed a very important thing: panel etiquette. 

I attended a lot of panels this year, and while it was generally a positive experience, it only takes one rotten apple to spoil a whole bin, and so I felt the need to add one more article.

Panels are one of my favorite parts of a convention. They're a great way to learn about something new, and if you host a panel, it's a great way to teach someone about something you love. :) 

Things to keep in mind for when you attend a panel:

Arrive a few minutes early. This will give you time to not only find the building if it's a venue you aren't familiar with, but also to find a seat and get settled in before the panel begins. I usually give myself between 15 and 30 minutes, longer if the panel is a popular one and I know it will be packed. Seats can fill quickly and many venues prohibit you from standing in/blocking the walkways because of fire codes. Make sure you don't get stuck and miss the panel! 

Bring a notebook and pen to take notes, if applicable. I like to attend costuming and cosplay panels, or panels that are more informational/lecture formatted. I always bring a notebook and take notes, because I know I will never remember everything, there's too much to do at a con to keep it all straight in my head. :P I take detailed notes and review them the week after the con, when I've recovered and my head is fresh. 

Practice common courtesy. Do not speak when a panel host/lecturer is speaking. It's incredibly rude and also distracting to the people around you who are trying to listen to the panel presentation. Be polite. If you want/need to talk, leave the room quietly. 

Turn off your phone! Beeping and ringing cell phones are just as distracting to the people who talk during a presentation and it is disrespectful to the panel host. Put it on vibrate or silent mode, or simply turn it off. 

Try not to leave the panel before it ends. It's distracting to other attendees and not exactly polite. However, things happen, and if an emergency comes up and you must leave, do so quietly. Try to wait until there's a pause in the presentation to leave, if you can.

Do not block walkways or seats with your cosplay props. This is especially important if the panel attendance is maxed out. Taking up a whole seat with your prop is rude if the panel is crowded and other attendees are looking for a seat and blocking the walkway/aisle is often a violation of local fire codes, so security won't allow it. Most rooms have a place for you to put your prop if you can't tuck it in a bag or under your seat. 

Do not let your children run around the panel room unsupervised. Let me preface this by saying I think it is AWESOME when parents bring their kids to cons, especially when the kids cosplay too! Cons are tons of fun for kids, and more and more cons are offering activities for kids. Or perhaps you can't get ahold of the sitter because they're cramming for finals or something. Life happens. But unfortunately unruly kids can ruin a panel for everyone. Not only is it rude, it is dangerous. Children running around making noise during a presentation is distracting to attendees, disrespectful to the panel hosts, and in a split second your child can run out the door and vanish, especially at larger conventions. A couple of my friends bring their kids to cons and they make sure that they pack snacks and activities for them to keep them occupied(charged DSs and coloring books are favorites). As is the norm for parents, stuff happens: If you have a fussy baby or a kid who is just not having it and is tired and/or wanting to throw a tantrum, PLEASE take them outside to calm them down or deal with the tantrum.

Do not use a panel as a rest stop. This might seem like an odd one, but it happens, and it is perhaps the most disrespectful, rude, and low-class behavior you can exhibit at a con. I rank it on the same level as people who photograph cosplayers without permission, or creeps who don't understand cosplay is not consent.
 I was at a panel at Phoenix Comicon when a couple came into the panel halfway through the presentation. They spent most of their time loudly flipping through the program and discussing other panels/events to attend during the presentation! Several of us had to change seats so we could continue to hear the panel and we shot some angry glares their way. If you attend a panel, do so because you are genuinely interested in the panel. If you need a place to stop, get your bearings, and plan your day, do it elsewhere. 

Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments. As always, stay fabulous! 


It's been awhile, ne?

Hello darlings!

Wow, it's been a roller coaster of a year! TL:DR version: health issues, brief stint at bridal boutique to pay bills, new truck, Comicon. 

Now that we have that out of the way...

The Etsy store is back open! I have ordered new supplies and am in the process of restocking and working on some new things. :) We are renovating the office and we have a water leak in the workroom(thanks, roof!) so things got set back a bit. 

I went to Phoenix Comicon this year! It was a last-minute trip so I didn't get many pictures, but did get to see some AMAZING cosplays(Will Riker as Minecraft avatar FTW!), attended some great panels, and saw some beautiful lolita coords. :3

Working on a new post in the Convention Survival Guide, inspired by some not so kosher behavior observed at one of my panels. 

We were not able to get an artist alley table at Saboten this year, but that's okay, because this year I want to focus on a larger collection for the J-Fashion show! :) 

Stay tuned and stay fabulous! 
