Saturday, December 19, 2015

RinRinDoll x Gasaxxxy Japan Collab!

Hello darlings!

Fan Fest and Kikori Con writeups are coming soon, I swear. xD

My day job is super busy right now due to the holiday rush, and then the Candy Graffiti holiday rush!

I do want to take a moment and thank everyone who came out to see us at Fan Fest! Didn't get very many cosplay photos(two, in fact :P), but it was a blast, and I met awesome people, got to attend Denise Crosby's panel (squeeeee!) and I learned a ton! 

On to the subject for today...

RinRin Doll did a collaboration with Galaxxxy Japan

It's called NEO LOLITA and it's her first collection, and I LOVE IT! It's a small collection, and they've described it as 'casual street lolita.' 

Always a fan of contrasts, my favorite thing about the collection is the black/pink/lavender color scheme. 

There are four items in the collection: Two sweatshirts, a dress, and some buttons. 

Small, yes, but it's a good start and I can't wait to see what she does next!

Tokyo Fashion covered the photo shoot:

Galaxxxy has the collection on sale here.

As always...stay fabulous! <3