Saturday, December 8, 2018

*Dusts off blog YET AGAIN to shamelessly plug cake rings*

Hello darlings!

Quick summary of what happened while I was neglecting this blog: 

-Two job changes
-Something kind of sort resembling a relationship but not really
-Major expansion of convention schedule
-Formation of the Kei Collective

I'm working on some holiday stuff that will be later than I wanted, but it'll be there. 

The first half is already up!
In Japan, they celebrate Christmas with cake. 

While these have vanilla or whipped cream/sweet cream frosting, they do also come in chocolate flavors. Naturally, they also make super cute rings. So that's what I did. ^_^ As per usual, click the link to get to the corresponding Etsy listing. Each ring is $2.99 each, USD, plus shipping. ^_^

More sill be added as I get them into the shop. ^_^ Also working on blog posts of more substance. xD First Class domestic shipping in the Etsy store until December 15th!

Until next time...stay fabulous!